You’ll find below the rules for submiting regular papers, special sessions, tutorials or panels. Please respect the submission deadlines given in the Call for Papers.
Submission of Regular Papers:
Please, read accurately and follow the guidelines and instructions provided below:
Please, don’t submit a paper if you know in advance that you will not be able to pay registration fees, travel expenses and accommodation. Any submission will involve a huge amount of work (reviewers, track chairs and conference administration) and any author should be aware of the inconvenience of submitting and not being in the program by the end. Any submission is a responsibility being only in the hand of the contributor.
Note that all submitted paper not compliant 100% with these instructions could be rejected even before the reviewing process.
Conversion into PDF should done with PDF eXpress on a mandatory basis (find instructions below).
At the time of the final submission signing the electronic IEEE Copyright will be mandatory.
Guidelines for Authors
Authors are kindly requested to submit full provisional papers, previously unpublished and relevant to the conference topics complying with the following rules: English language, limitation to 7 full pages but not less than 5 pages, including paper title, authors’ names and affiliations, figures, references and authors bios (maximum size 2MB).
All the papers will be reviewed by at least 3 independent reviewers to be included in the conference Proceedings (after registration and payment). All papers registered and presented during RTSI2022 will be potential candidates to be included in the IEEEXplore database if compliant with the IEEE checking system.
Authors of accepted papers could use the same username and the same password received during the submission process which enables them to submit their final revised paper. Authors are kindly requested to follow strictly the TEMPLATE which can be downloaded in Word A4 format. Any submitted paper not compliant with the requested template will be automatically rejected. A LaTex Template can be dowloaded as well :
Authors must respect the provided template in order to avoid disqualification for final acceptance. For example, the margin at the bottom of each page is the place reserved for IEEE Copyright and page numbers. Please don’t reduce the margin by all means.
All submitted papers (both for initial and final submission) must follow the guidelines of PDF conversion included below:
Before creating a Pdf
Proofread accurately the final document to confirm it will not require any revision (impossible after submitting the final version).
Check if the provided template has been 100% respected (if not, the paper will be rejected).
During the submission of the final version, DO PROVIDE the IEEE Copyright (mandatory action). Any paper not respecting this requirement could be rejected at the latest stage when the RTSI2022 Proceedings will be generated.
Creating your PDF eXpress Account
Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress site:
First-time users should do the following:
Select the New Users.
Enter the following:
55261X for the Conference ID
- your email
- a password
Continue to enter information as prompted.
An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
Contacting PDF eXpress Support
Access the Publications Support Center for IEEE PDF eXpress.
If you do not find an answer in the Find Answers tab, go to the Ask A Question tab.
Your question will be forwarded to IEEE PDF Support and answered within 3 business days.
Submission of Special Sessions proposals:
Potential organizers (2 co-chairs max from different institutions) should do the following tasks:
– send a Call for Papers in the proposed format as the template (1 page max) to Special Sessions Co-Chairs
– send a potential list of authors (not less than 10 independent authors) and invite them to submit if the proposal is accepted
– send a list of potential reviewers (a minimum of 20) to achieve the review process under the proposer(s) leadership (3 reviews per paper).
Please do follow the example given in the Special Session Call for Papers template.
Instructions to submit the papers will be the same as the one for regular papers when a special session will be accepted.
All proposals should be submitted to Special Sessions Co-Chairs:
Aziz Benlarbi-Delai (
Mohamed Boussak (
If less than 6 papers are received after the submission, all papers will be dropped in different tracks to be reviewed as regular contributions.
Submission of Tutorials proposals:
These suggestions are for you who want to hold a tutorial:
Each tutorial will be 2 hours maximum including questions.
One tutorial is commonly given by 1-2 persons (no more).
The tutorials containing technical details are usually appreciated by audience.
Send your proposal and sample slides to the Tutorial Co-Chairs:
Hamid Kokabi (
Pierre Saurel (
Please use the RTSI Tutorial template example to do your proposal.
Submission of Panels:
Please submit a panel proposal giving:
- the panel title,
- the name and e-mail address of the moderator,
- the names and e-mail addresses of the other panel members,
- a short description of the panel topics that will be submitted for discussion.
Please submit your proposal to the Industry Forum Chairs.
Submission for the Student Forum:
A Student Forum will be organized and it will consist in a competition for student papers and a meeting between students presenting their curriculum and companies offering job opportunities.
Conditions to participate in the RTSI2022 Student Forum:
Must be a MSc or PhD student registered in a university or a research institute, or a post-doc graduated less than 2 years before September 01, 2022.
Must pay student registration fee or full registration fees for the conference.
To prepare a personal poster (please use the poster template example) summarizing the entire research work along the graduation period (one author per poster).
To prepare one page CV (PDF format) to be put close to the poster
To be ready for interviews by companies attending RTSI2022.
Participation in Student Forum does not exclude the participant from presenting papers at the regular or special sessions of the conference.
Send your proposal to the Student Forum Chair:
Anthony Ghiotto (