Time Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater Parvis Under Bar 65-66 Room 205 – Corridor 56-66 – 2nd Floor Tour Zamansky 24th Floor – Room 2400 Elsewhere

Wednesday, August 24

09:00-09:15 Welcome        
09:15-11:00 TRACK 4: Electronics, Microelectronics & System Integration        
11:00-11:30   Coffee break      
11:30-12:30 TRACK 1: Communication Systems        
12:30-14:00         Lunch at your own
14:00-16:00 Tutorial 1 – Context Awarness and Collaborative Work – Nada Matta (University of Technology of Troyes), Marie Hélène Abel (University of Technology of Compiegne)   TRACK 2: Computer Engineering    
16:00-16:30   Coffee break      
16:30-18:30 Student Forum   Tutorial 4: The IoT World and 5G Networking Concepts    
19:00-20:00       Welcome reception  

Thursday, August 25

09:00-11:00 TRACK 5.1: Power & Energy   Panel 5: Ethical Assurance of Autonomous Algorithmic Systems    
11:00-11:30   Coffee break      
11:30-12:10 Special Session 2: Special Session on Intelligence Artificial and the COVID’19 Crisis   Innovation and education in microelectronics to face the society needs in semiconductors    
12:10-12:30 Special Session 3: Special Session on Sensors for a smarter world      
12:30-14:00         Lunch at your own
14:00-16:00 Tutorial 3 – Humans and Semiconductors Interface: Energy Efficiency and Edge Artificial Intelligence – Pietro Maris Ferreira (CentraleSupélec, Univ. Paris-Saclay)   TRACK 3.1: Control, Robotics & Signal Processing    
16:00-16:30   Coffee break      
16:30-18:00 Panel 1: Prediction of failures in the industrial sector   Special Session 1: Antennas Design For Communication, Sensing And Characterization Methods    
18:00-18:30   Special Session 4: Special Session on Smart Medical Devices    
19:30-22:00         Banquet – Bouillon Racine

Friday, August 26

09:00-11:00 TRACK 3.2: Control, Robotics & Signal Processing   Panel 7: Future Directions of Communications: Vision, Standards and Requirements    
11:00-11:30   Coffee break      
11:30-12:30 TRACK 5.2: Power & Energy   Promotion of Women in Engineering    
12:30-14:00         Lunch at your own
14:00-16:00 Tutorial 2 – Power-to-X: an Opportunity for Cross-Sectoral Integration, Andrea Mazza (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)   Panel 2: Action For Industry    
16:00-16:30   Coffee break      
16:30-17:00 Closing session        

Wednesday, August 24 9:00 – 9:15


Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Chairs: Gerard-Andre Capolino, Claire Lajoie-Mazenc, Pascal Lorenz, Antonio Luque

Wednesday, August 24 9:15 – 11:00

TRACK 4: Electronics, Microelectronics & System Integration

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Chair: Nathalie Deltimple
Sub-nJ Per Decision Schmitt Trigger Comparator for Neuromorphic Spike Detection in 55 nm Technology 
João Sulzbach, Siqi Wang, Zalfa Jouni, Geoffroy Klisnick, Pietro M. Ferreira and Aziz Benlarbi-Delaï
Machine Learning Approach for SPR Based Photonic Crystal Fiber Sensor for Breast Cancer Cells Detection 
Pankaj Verma, Amit Kumar and Poonam Jindal
High Speed Comparator and Parity Generator in QCA Based on Optimal XOR Structure 
Trailokya Nath Sasamal, Gaurav Saini and Vineet Jaiswal
Foreground Static Error Calibration for Current Sources Using Backgate Body Biasing 
Clément Beauquier, Antoine Frappé, Patricia Desgreys, Chadi Jabbour, David Duperray and Andreas Kaiser
Smart IoT – Implementation of Neuromorphic Circuits 
Artur Piana, Siqi Wang, João Sulzbach, Paolo Zaniboni, Raphael El-Haddad, Aziz Benlarbi-Delaï, Geoffroy Klisnick and Pietro M. Ferreira

Wednesday, August 24 11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break

Room: Parvis under bar 65-66

Wednesday, August 24 11:30 – 12:30

TRACK 1: Communication Systems

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Chair: Azfar Adib
IoT Systems for Healthy and Safe Life Environments 
Martina Capuzzo, Andrea Zanella, Maddalena Zuccotto, Federico Cunico, Marco Cristani, Alberto Castellini, Alessandro Farinelli and Luciano Gamberini
Low Cost mmWaves Electromagnetic Spectrum Monitoring System for Education and Research Purpose 
Rubén León, Cyntia Rosero, Galo Guarderas, Alexis Tinoco-S and Fernando Lara

Wednesday, August 24 12:30 – 14:00

Lunch at your own

Wednesday, August 24 14:00 – 16:00

Tutorial 1 – Context Awarness and Collaborative Work – Nada Matta (University of Technology of Troyes), Marie Hélène Abel (University of Technology of Compiegne)

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

TRACK 2: Computer Engineering

Room 205 – Corridor 56-66 – 2nd floor

Chair: Marie-Hélène Abel
A Novel Cosine Transformed Chebyshev Chaotic Map Based Image Encryption 
Atul Kumar and Mohit Dua
Detecting Replay Attack on Voice-Controlled Systems Using Small Neural Networks 
Nadeen Ahmed, Jowaria Khan, Nouran Sheta, Rahma Tarek, Imran A. Zualkernan and Fadi Aloul
Computer-Aided Dementia Detection: How Informative are Your Features? 
Edoardo Stoppa, Guido Walter Di Donato, Natalie Parde and Marco D Santambrogio
Decentralized Platforms: Goals, Challenges, and Solutions 
Sergii Grybniak, Yevhen Leonchyk, Ruslan Oleksandrovych Masalskyi, Igor Mazurok, Oleksandr Nashyvan and Ruslan Shanin
ROH-BOT: An IoT Wearable and Inclusive Health Device for Remote Patient Monitoring With Different Alarm Systems 
Claudia Agriesti, Maria Ida De Cinque, Filippo Carloni and Marco D Santambrogio

Wednesday, August 24 16:00 – 16:30

Coffee break

Room: Parvis under bar 65-66

Wednesday, August 24 16:30 – 18:30

Student Forum

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Chair: Anthony Ghiotto

Tutorial 4: The IoT World and 5G Networking Concepts

Itzik Ashkenazi and Itai Dabran

Room 205 – Corridor 56-66 – 2nd floor

Wednesday, August 24 19:00 – 20:00

Welcome reception

Tour Zamansky 24th Floor – Room 2400

Thursday, August 25 9:00 – 11:00

Panel 5: Ethical Assurance of Autonomous Algorithmic Systems

TRACK 5.1: Power & Energy

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Chair: Nick Papanikolaou
Generalised Optimal Dispatch of Multiple Energy-Frequency Services to Thermostatic Loads 
Vincenzo Trovato
Improving the Efficiency of the Electricity Distribution Network Through the Use of Smart Meters 
Mouad Amqrane and Mohammed Ouassaid
Quantifying the Impact of Different Parameters on Optimal Operation of Multi-Microgrid Systems 
Mahshid Javidsharifi, Hamoun Pourroshanfekr Arabani, Tamas Kerekes, Dezso Sera and Josep M. Guerrero
Knowledge Discovery From the Statistical Analysis of On-Site Photovoltaic System Data 
Gianfranco Chicco, Alessandro Ciocia, Andrea Mazza, Radu Porumb and Filippo Spertino

Thursday, August 25 11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break

Room: Parvis under bar 65-66

Thursday, August 25 11:30 – 12:30

Innovation and education in microelectronics to face the society needs in semiconductors

Room 205 – Corridor 56-66 – 2nd floor

Chairs: Olivier Bonnaud, Laurent Fesquet

Thursday, August 25 11:30 – 12:10

Special Session 2: Special Session on Intelligence Artificial and the COVID’19 Crisis

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Chair: Aziz Benlarbi-Delaï
Impact Estimation of Emergency Events Using Social Media Streams 
Giacomo Blanco, Edoardo Arnaudo, Dario Salza and Claudio Rossi

Thursday, August 25 12:10 – 12:30

Special Session 3: Special Session on Sensors for a smarter world

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Chair: Filippo Carloni
The Environmental Sustainability of Measurements: A Practical Case-Study With the Wheatstone Bridge 
Leopoldo Angrisani, Pasquale Arpaia, Mauro D’Arco, Egidio De Benedetto, Antonio Esposito and Monica Imbò

Thursday, August 25 12:30 – 14:00

Lunch at your own

Thursday, August 25 14:00 – 16:00

Tutorial 3 – Humans and Semiconductors Interface: Energy Efficiency and Edge Artificial Intelligence – Pietro Maris Ferreira (CentraleSupélec, Univ. Paris-Saclay)

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

TRACK 3.1: Control, Robotics & Signal Processing

Room 205 – Corridor 56-66 – 2nd floor

Chair: Anna Schidek
Real-Time Detection of Bio-Inspired Kilobots: A Comparison of Cloud vs. Local Resources 
Zain Ali, Kevin Meehan, Jennifer Hyndman and Thomas Dowling
Savitzky-Golay Parameter Optimization by Using Linear Discriminant Analysis for FTIR Spectra 
Dyah Kurniawati Agustika, Muhammad Rojib Nawawi, Rita Prasetyowati, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat, Doina D Iliescu and Mark S Leeson
BrainTrack: A Replicable and Accessible Methodology for Customized Brain-Machine Interface Applications 
Emma Crespi, Davide E Cerioli, Alice Gentili, Filippo Carloni and Marco D Santambrogio
Semi-Supervised Learning With Limited Data for Automatic Speech Recognition 
Mikołaj Pudo, Natalia Szczepanek, Bozena Łukasiak and Artur Janicki

Thursday, August 25 16:00 – 16:30

Coffee break

Room: Parvis under bar 65-66

Thursday, August 25 16:30 – 18:30

Panel 1: Prediction of failures in the industrial sector

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Chair: Benjamin Joguet

Thursday, August 25 16:30 – 18:00

Special Session 1: Antennas Design For Communication, Sensing And Characterization Methods

Room 205 – Corridor 56-66 – 2nd floor

Chair: Guido Valerio
New Structural Biocomposite of Flax Laminate Materials for Antennas Applications 
Adel Sennouni, Adnane Labdouni, Jean-Marie Floc’h, Sébastien Guéret, Franck Callebert and Anne-Claude Tarot
Demonstration of Wideband Polarization Conversion Using Novel Reflective Metasurfaces 
Habiba Hafdallah Ouslimani
Integration of Massive MIMO and Machine Learning in the Present and Future of Power Consumption in Wireless Networks: A Review 
Sampson E Nwachukwu, Maurine Chepkoech, Kehinde Awodele, Joyce Mwangama, Albert A. Lysko and Chris Burger

Thursday, August 25 18:00 – 18:30

Special Session 4: Special Session on Smart Medical Devices

Room 205 – Corridor 56-66 – 2nd floor

Chair: Ines Saad
Concept for Process Mining for Smart Medical Device Development 
Anna Schidek and Holger Timinger

Thursday, August 25 19:30 – 22:00

Banquet – Bouillon Racine

Friday, August 26 9:00 – 11:00

Panel 7: Future Directions of Communications: Vision, Standards and Requirements

TRACK 3.2: Control, Robotics & Signal Processing

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Chair: Zain Ali
Gated Recurrent Unit Based Short-Term Network for Robot Swarm Motion Forecasting 
Belkacem Khaldi, Harrou Fouzi, Abdelkader Dairi and Ying Sun
Adult and Non-Adult Classification Using ECG 
Azfar Adib, Wei-Ping Zhu and M. Omair Ahmad
Convergent Approximate Message Passing by Alternating Constrained Minimization of Bethe Free Energy 
Dirk Slock
A Novel Fixed-Point Leaky Sign Regressor Algorithm Based Adaptive Noise Canceller for PLI Cancellation in ECG Signals 
Mohammed Mujahid Ulla Faiz and Izzet Kale

Friday, August 26 11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break

Room: Parvis under bar 65-66

Friday, August 26 11:30 – 12:30

Promotion of Women in Engineering

Highlight of activities from IEEE Region 8 and IEEE Switzerland
Maria Paun

Room 205 – Corridor 56-66 – 2nd floor

Chair: Maria-Alexandra Paun

TRACK 5.2: Power & Energy

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Chair: Santolo Meo
Comparative Performance Study of Hybrid Si/SiC Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistors 
Nick Rigogiannis, Aikaterini Kotsidimou, Ioannis Arzanas, Chaido Kyritsi and Nick Papanikolaou
Resistive Load Influence on the Power and Bandwidth of Bistable Energy Harvesters 
Quentin Demouron, Adrien Morel, David Gibus, Aya Benhemou and Adrien Badel
Bifurcation and Stability Analysis of a Dual-Active-Bridge Dc-Dc Converter Working Under Non-Linear Control 
Santolo Meo, Luisa Toscano and Pasquale Franzese

Friday, August 26 12:30 – 14:00

Lunch at your own

Friday, August 26 14:00 – 16:00

Tutorial 2 – Power-to-X: an Opportunity for Cross-Sectoral Integration, Andrea Mazza (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Panel 2: Action For Industry

Room 205 – Corridor 56-66 – 2nd floor

Chair: John Matogo

Friday, August 26 16:00 – 16:30

Coffee break

Room: Parvis under bar 65-66

Friday, August 26 16:30 – 17:00

Closing session

Room: Esclangon Building – Durand Amphitheater

Chairs: Gerard-Andre Capolino, Pascal Lorenz, Frederique Vallee